Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Spatula
Function : Mengaduk masakan
Material : Kayu atau plastik
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

2.      Name : Tongs
Function : Menjepit bahan makanan
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

3.      Name : Cooking Stove
Function : Alat untuk memasak berbagai jenis produk
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Sandwich and Panini Grill
Function : Memanggang roti buat sandwich atau membuat panini
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

2.      Name : Pasta Cooker
Function : Merebus pasta
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

3.      Name : Egg Slicer
Function : Alat untuk memotong boiled egg
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Mould
Function : Alat untuk mencetak adonan roti atau kue
Material : Besi atau aluminium
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

2.      Name : Salad Prep Station
Function : Tempat untuk menyiapkan dan membuat salad
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

3.      Name : Pizza Prep Table
Function : Tempat membuat Pizza
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Silicone Tray Mat
Function : Tray tahan panas untuk mem “bake” cookies di dalam oven
Material : Silicone
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

2.      Name : Silicone Muffin Tray
Function : Tray tahan panas sebagai cetakan muffin
Material : Silicone
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

3.      Name : Waffle Maker
Function : Alat untuk membuat Waffle
Material : Iron, Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Deep Fryer
Function : Alat untuk menggoreng
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

2.      Name : Pastry Bag
Function : Bag untuk menyimpan frosting
Material : Plastic
Cleaning : Tidak ada proses cleaning

3.      Name : Salt Cellar
Function : Untuk menyimpan salt
Material : Wood
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Pepper Grinder
Function : Alat untuk menghaluskan merica
Material : Wood
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

2.      Name : Serving Spoon
Function : Alat untuk mengambil makanan untuk ditata di serving plate
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

3.      Name : Ice Cream Scoop
Function : Untuk mengambil Ice Cream
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Cheese Cloth
Function : Untuk menyaring keju
Material : Cotton
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

2.      Name : Pizza Oven
Function : Oven untuk memanggang Pizza
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

3.      Name : Kitchen Shears
Function : Gunting dapur
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Proofer
Function : Alat untuk membantu proses proofing
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

2.       Name : Boning Knife
Function : Pisau untuk melepaskan tulang dari daging
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

3.      Name : Mandoline
Function : Untuk mengiris tipis bahan seperti carrot atau cucumber
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

Utensil and Equipment

1.      Name : Pasta Mill
Function : Alat untuk menggilas adonan dough menjadi pasta
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan kain/serbet basah

2.      Name : Bread Knife
Function : Untuk Memotong Roti
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

3.      Name : Heat Proof Spatula
Function : Alat untuk mengaduk masakan anti panas
Material : Silicone
Cleaning :   Dibersihkan dengan sabun dan dibilas dengan air bersih

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Internship XII

Hello again readers! Back in my blog and as usual I’ll share my activity these past 2 weeks. So, the first week there were wedding event and meeting so it was busy week. And I got morning shift this 1 week together with one daily worker. Since there were lot jobs to do, we split the job, I took care of wala and breakfast and amenities, the daily worker took care of the events need. But when I’m done with my job I help her. And this 1 week sometimes my work hour was extended.
Move on to second week. Finally last week and after this my intern is officially done yeeeeeyyy. And luckily this last week there were no event at all. So, this last week I got morning and afternoon shift. Jumping, but it’s okay la remember it was my last week. And you know what? I was pranked since it was my last week they said. I was tied and wrapped with plastic wrap and then they put me in proofer. Yeah can you guys imagine I’m like 170cm tall and I fit in proofer hahahahaha. It was funny tho. I felt a bit sad cause to be honest I started to like living in bali I don’t wanna go back to Makassar but I have to since I have to finish my college first L
Sooooo that is a wrap. Thank you for following my intern daily for 6 months. Phew, can you believe it’s been 6 months? It feels like just yesterday I arrived in bali. After this, I’ll keep writing my blog but with different dramas hahahaha. See you on my next blog ;)

Internship XI

Hello readers! Now you’re reading my blog and again I’ll share my past 2 weeks with you guys. Okay these past 2 weeeks, there were nothing special since there were no wedding event or meeting. So, these past 2 weeks everything just went normally. Morning shift took care of wala and breakfast, and afternoon shift took care of ala carte order and make products.

Internship X

Hello readers! Now you’re reading my blog and as usual, I’ll share to you guys what happened in my intern these past 2 weeks. So, these past 2 weeks I got morning shift(s) and it was a busy 2 weeks cause there were few wedding events and meetings. And these past 2 weeks I always worked overtime.
Let’s start with the first thing I do when I came was took all the plates and dishes for amenities from main kitchen to pastry, which is actually this is supposed to be steward’s job to find those but seems like the system here is quiet mess up, since everyday I took all the plates and the dishes I need myself and I have to re-wash it every day because they never washed it clean, ugh. But, let’s not talk about that.
After taking all the plates and dishes that I needed, I went back to pastry and made amenities. Then, I prepare cake and éclair for wala. Finished, I went to wala to set up cake, éclair, and gelato. Back to pastry, I made waffle & pancake batter, and breakfast cake for tomorrow. Then, I looked at the job list and did what was written on the job list, like made vanilla cookies dough, pannacotta, bake lava cake, etc.
And as I’ve said before, there were few events so, these past 2 weeks I went home at 5 P.M., or 5.30 P.M., or even at 6 P.M. when actually my shift’s over at 4 P.M. but okay consider it as my loyalty haha.
So, that was how mostly my past 2 weeks passed. See you on the next blog ;)