Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kitchen's Utensil and Equipment

1.      Pie Weight
Function : put weight on pie dough so the dough wouldn’t swell
Material : Stone
Cleaning : wash with soap and rinse with clean water

2.      Pastry Bag
Function : Bag to keep frosting
Material : Plastic
Cleaning : only using once 

3.      Pressure Cooker
Function : use to cook under pressure
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : clean it with wet napkin

Mid Test : European Buffet (English Ver.)

September 28th 2018
Today, we had our mid test and we started at 8 A.M. and before start, Mr. Syahrial came and we oneline and he informed us a few things about our mid test today. For today, we served European Buffet :

Macedoine of Vegetable Mayonnaise

Jelly Fruit Salad


Shrimp Bisque

Puree of Pumpkin Soup


Spaghetti Bolognaise


Roast Chicken with Giblet Gravy

Beef Stroganoff

Jardiniere Vegetable


Red Velvet Roll

Bread Butter Pudding


Horse D’Ouvre :

Monte Cristo Sandwich

Club Sandwich

In my team there were 10 of us, so we divided the section. I handled the soup with one of my friend. The soup were shrimp bisque and puree of pumpkin soup. We’ve prepared the ingredients we needed the day before. For the soup we’ve prepared shrimp stock for shrimp bisque. For pumpkin soup, we’ve prepared the pumpkin. We roasted the pumpkin and thawing chicken stock. The ingredients for the soup wasn’t too much but the procedure was kinda complicated.
As we started doing, we simmer the shrimp stock and the chicken stock. While we were waiting for the stock, my friend puree the pumpkin using blender, 

and I cut the carrot into brunoise for shrimp bisque. Next, I made fish veloutè. Fish veloutè used as thickening for the shrimp bisque. After that, I made the croutong for pumpkin soup. 

Then, we mixed in the pumpkin into chicken stock, stir it, and pour in heavy cream. But since the soup wasn’t creamy enough, so we made white roux and pour it into the pumpkin soup. Then, we blanched the shrimp for shrimp bisque. And pour in the carrot into the shrimp stock. Last, we seasoned the shrimp bisque and puree of pumpkin with salt and pepper. Last, we added the shrimp into the shrimp stock.

Puree of Pumpkin Soup
Shrimp Bisque
We finished at 11 A.M. and served the food to the restaurant, then we took a break and we had to do general cleaning at 2 P.M. While I was waiting until 2 P.M. I helped my friend to make jalangkote. Finished helping my friend, I had my lunch. And since there were still 1st semester who was still doing, so we waited until 3 P.M. to start general cleaning. General cleaning finished around 7 P.M. And when we were about to go home we heard sad news about people in Palu, cause earlier in Palu just happened earthquake and there were possibility of tsunami (Let’s pray everyone in Palu will stay safe). Soooo, that’s all about my mid test. Thank you for visiting my blog.