Monday, May 14, 2018

Daily Report : Menu Rotasi II.3 (English Ver.)

May 14th 2018
Today we started at 8 A.M. just like usual. We oneline in cold kitchen then we were reviewed by supervisor one by one. Around 10 A.M. review finished and we started prepare for tomorrow. Tomorrow we’ll serve menu rotasi II.3 or Indonesian, which are :
1.      Jalangkote
2.      Sosok utan
3.      Konro bakar with nasi putih, and acar
4.      Pisang ijo
Since it was group 2 turn to prepare for today, so we group 1 helped them.
I helped group 2 to made the main course, konro bakar. First, we prepare the ingredients for the spice paste. The spice paste made of : black nut, shallots, garlic, lemongrass, ginger,  galangal. After, all the ingredients were ready blended it together in blender.

Next, cooked the spice paste with konro in a large wok. 

After helping my friend with konro bakar, I went to pastry and helped my friend to made jalangkote.

I’ve made jalangkote before but I still find it hard to shape the jalangkote.
After all the preparation finished we started general cleaning right away. After general cleaning finished we took a break and we went to canteen cause we were so hungry, but sadly no more food left so we had to wait until we go home. Back to kitchen we waited for oneline. Almost 6 P.M. we oneline and there were few information from Mr. Ical. After that, we pray and we may go home.

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