Monday, August 20, 2018

Gammara Hotel Kitchen : Day 1 (English Ver.)

August 20th 2018
Not like usual, today I had my practice in Gammara Hotel. As I’ve explained on my blog last week, that every practice week there’ll be 1 group going to do practice in Gammara Hotel. And this week is my group turn. So, for this 1 week it’ll feel a little different because we won’t be in campus. For today, we came at 8 A.M. and we went to the office. At first, we were kinda lost because we didn’t know where is the office, but luckily there was staff at the kitchen as well who has just arrived so he showed us where to go. At the office, we waited for chef Sofyan to choose the section for us.
Not long after that, chef Sofyan came and he divided us into main kitchen, cold kitchen, and pastry. I’m in pastry with one of my friend Dina. Before we started, chef Sofyan took us for a tour through kitchen, so we could know where to find the ingredients and where to make appetizer, soup, main course, dessert. After a little tour, we went to our section. In pastry, I met one of my friend from the other class who is on her training.
Well, since there was no event for today, so we weren’t really busy. We just prepared for teripang, one of Indonesia Traditional Food. 

After finished preparing, we did general cleaning. 

Finished general cleaning, we took a break and had lunch in pantry. Back in kitchen, since there was nothing to do in pastry, I went to other section. In main kitchen, I helped my friend made dumplings for pangsit that will be sell at the pool at 3 P.M. At the pool, we helped staff to set up the product that will be sell. 

4.30 P.M. we may go home.

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