Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Daily Report : Menu Rotasi I.3 (English Ver.)

 February 21st 2018
            Yesterday I was in first team who was in charged for rotation menu I.1, second team worked on their project and since we’ve started “on-off system” so today second team was in charged for rotation menu I.2 and first team worked on our project. 8 A.M. we were allowed by Mr. Syahrial to started our discussion outside the kitchen while second team started to get busy with their preparing. Today second group served :
-          Macedoine of vegetable mayonnaise (appetizer)
-          Minestrone soup (soup)
-          Fillet of fish meuniere (main course)
-          Potato au gratin (main course)
-          Glazed root vegetable (main course)
-          Choux ala crème (dessert)
-          Hard roll (accompaniment)
Macedoine of Vegetable Mayonnaise

Fillet of Fish Meuniere with Potato Au Gratin and Glazed Root Vegetables

Choux Ala Creme

Outside the kitchen we started our discussion until around 12.30 P.M. we were allowed to started preparing tomorrow’s menu, rotation menu I.3 which are :
1.      Sambal ulang ulang (appetizer)
2.      Sop kacang merah (soup)
3.      Bebek menyatnyat (main course)
4.      Nasi putih (main course)
5.      Sambal matah (main course)
6.      Plecing kangkung (main course)
7.      Bika ambon (dessert)
And my group was in charged to made the main course. First, we took out the duck from the freezer cause it was still frozen. Next, I was responsible to made the sambal matah, so I prepared all the ingredients that needed from the ingredients rack like shallot and lemon grass, and from the chiller like bird’s eye chilies, kaffir lime leaves, and lime juice. Then, I started to cut the ingredients. Shallot, lemon grass, and kaffir lime leaves were finely chopped, and bird’s eye chilies were slice. After done cutting we keep the preparation in chiller.
            Finished with my prepare, I got coupon for “table manner” so around 2 P.M. I went to restaurant with my friends who also got the coupon. In restaurant we were served rotation menu I.2, we were taught about how to sit, how to eat in the right way. 

Table Manner
Table manner finished around 2.45 P.M. and we back to cool kitchen, one line and we were allowed to took a break until 3.30 P.M. After that, general cleaning started until 5 P.M. General cleaning done, then we waited for Mr. Jaya informed us few things for tomorrow. 6 P.M. we pray and may go home.

Sambal Matah Ingredients :
1.      200gr shallots
2.      200gr lemon grass
3.      60gr bird’s eye chilies
4.      4 kaffir lime leaves
5.      1 finely crumbled prawn cake roasted
6.      4tbsp lime juice
7.      8tbsp coconut oil
8.      Salt and pepper

Sambal Matah Ingredients

How to make Sambal Matah :
1.      Combine all the ingredients
2.      Season to taste with salt and pepper

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