Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Kitchen's Utensil and Equipment

1.      Trussing Needle
Function : to tie meat especially poultry
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : wash with liquid dishwasher and rinse with clean water

2.      Electric Fryer
Function : fryer using electric energy
Material : Stainless Steel
Cleaning : clean with wet napkin

3.      Horizontal Rotisserie
Function : use for grilling meat
Material : Stainless steel
Cleaning : clean with wet napkin 

Daily Report : Ala Carte II, 2nd Week Day-2 (English Ver.)

October 23rd 2018
For today we came earlier because Mr. Ical asked us to. At 6.30 A.M. we have to be in campus. I arrived at 6.30 A.M. and when I arrived there were a lot of my friends didn’t on time, so we waited for awhile. 6.45 A.M. we oneline and supervisor asked us about the preparation. After that, we went to our section and started doing. First, I cut the fruits: pineapple, grape, and orange. After that, I wrapped the fruits and kept it in chiller. Not long after that, Mr. Ical came and we oneline. Mr. Ical explained a little about the terminology of food in Ala Carte II Menu. 

And the complete terminology as assignment for us. After the explanation, we continued to our section.
Around 9.30 A.M. Chef Dyno came and we oneline again. Chef Dyno explained about the menu and he showed us how to make the food. 

At 10.30 A.M. we continued again. I made the sauce for my jelly fruit salad because the one that I made yesterday was just made from whipped cream and Chef Dyno told me that the sauce is made from mayonnaise mixed with condensed milk and lemon. After finished making the sauce Chef Dyno showed me how to garnish the jelly fruit salad. 

Jelly Fruit Salad

My preparation has finished, so I waited for order from restaurant.
Around 11.30 A.M. resto was opened and for today there were only 15 pax of jelly fruit salad that will be served. But there were just 5 pax that served and Mr. Ical wanted us to closed the resto because there was a little conflict between kitchen and restaurant. Then, we started cleaning the table working and while cleaning the table working we were ordered to took a break first and continued our general cleaning after. So, we took a break and had our lunch. Finished having lunch, we continued our general cleaning. At 7 P.M. we oneline and as usual there were few informations from Mr. Ical. After that we pray and we may go home.

Daily Report : Ala Carte II, 2nd Week Day-2 (Indonesia Ver.)

23 Oktober 2018
Untuk hari ini kami datang lebih awal karena Pak Ical meminta kami. Pukul 6.30 kita harus di kampus. Saya tiba pukul 6.30 tepat dan ketika saya tiba di sana, banyak teman saya tidak hadir tepat waktu, jadi kami menunggu sebentar. 6.45 kami oneline dan supervisor bertanya tentang persiapan kami. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke section kami dan mulai doing. Pertama, saya memotong buah: nanas, anggur, dan jeruk. Setelah itu, saya wrap dan menyimpannya di chiller. Tidak lama setelah itu, Pak Ical datang dan kami oneline. Pak Ical menjelaskan sedikit tentang terminologi makanan di Menu Ala Carte II. 

Dan terminologi lebih lengkapnya lagi merupakan tugas untuk kita. Setelah penjelasan, kami melanjutkan pekerjaan kami.
Sekitar 9.30 A.M. Chef Dyno datang dan kita kembali oneline lagi. Chef Dyno menjelaskan tentang menu dan dia menunjukkan cara membuat makanan yang ada pada menu.

Pukul 10.30 kami melanjutkan lagi. Saya membuat saus untuk salad buah saya karena yang saya buat kemarin hanya dibuat dari whipped cream dan Chef Dyno mengatakan kepada saya bahwa saus untuk jelly fruit salad dibuat dari mayonnaise dicampur dengan susu kental dan lemon. Setelah selesai membuat saus, Chef Dyno menunjukkan cara plating jelly fruit salad. 

Jelly Fruit Salad

Persiapan saya sudah selesai, jadi saya menunggu pesanan dari restoran.
Sekitar jam 11.30 resto dibuka dan untuk hari ini hanya ada 15 pax jelly fruit salad yang akan disajikan. Tetapi hanya ada 5 pax yang keluar dan Pak Ical ingin kami menutup resto karena ada sedikit konflik antara dapur dan restoran. Kemudian, kami mulai membersihkan working table dan sambil membersihkan working table, kami diperintahkan untuk beristirahat terlebih dahulu dan melanjutkan general cleaning setelahnya. Jadi, kami beristirahat dan makan siang. Selesai makan siang, kami melanjutkan general cleaning. Pukul 19.00 kami oneline dan seperti biasa ada beberapa informasi dari Pak  Ical. Setelah itu kami berdoa dan kami bisa pulang.